Acupuncture Saskatoon

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Saskatoon Acupuncture on 8th Street

Get relief with acupuncture and dry needling today!

Are you looking for Acupuncture Saskatoon? Acupuncture is a unique practice that has evolved from Traditional Chinese medicine to today being one of the most popular healing interventions. Acupuncture uses tiny thin and painless needles inserted to specific points along the body. When these acu-points are stimulated with needles it begins a healing process in the body.

8th Street Acupuncture at Axis Health Center works to release built up muscle tension, reduce pain, improve stress, and facilitate blood flow to calming nerve pain. While many people fear pain during acupuncture, the treatment is painless. Call us now to book your acupuncture appointment!

How Acupuncture And Dry-Needling Work

Traditional Chinese medicine and dry-needling techniques are different

Our Saskatoon acupuncture works to provide natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body, including a combination of endorphins and neurotransmitters. These chemicals’ release triggers the brain’s pain receptors to experience less pain. Acupuncture and dry-needling are very effective in treating chronic pain and fibromyalgia.

Then, by stimulating blood flow to the area experiencing muscle tension, acupuncture also helps to heal that area of the body as increased circulation in an injured area naturally assists your recovery. Acupuncture is very good at reducing pain. It does this by causing release of endorphins and neurotransmitters within the nervous system to naturally reduce pain and improve well-being.

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During your first session, one of our acupuncturist on 8th street at Axis Health Center will discuss your condition and how treatment will benefit you. Next, your provider will examine your body for the areas that will react to acupuncture.

Acupuncture needles are single-use sterile, disposable, and extremely thin. Needles will be inserted at various tissue depths depending on your condition. Your acupuncturist will leave needles in for either a few minutes or as long as 20 minutes.

It’s important to know that there is similarity in acupuncture and dry needling effects. It’s suggested that patients try both to see how their condition responds to each differently. Both are effective techniques and neither is better or worse than the other, rather they focus on different ways to heal the body.

How Does Dry-Needling Help?

Dry-needling helps with muscle, joint, nerve, and soft tissue pain

The benefits of dry needling include incredible pain relief from arthrits, muscle spasm, headaches, and chronic pain such as fibromyalgia.

Dry needling routinely helps people recover from common complaints including:

Dry Needling has helped patients with a range of conditions, such as back or neck pain, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease of the spine, fibromyalgia, and postoperative pain from surgery.

Is Dry Needling The Same As Acupuncture?

Acupuncture and dry-needling are similar yet different, we suggest try both!

Our dry needling in Saskatoon, contrary to popular belief, is not acupuncture. While the two therapies are similar in some ways, dry needling is based on western medical and research approaches. Meaning it does not follow the same principles and beliefs as acupuncture; dry needling is not acupuncture.

Your practitioner will use sterile acupuncture needles to stimulate the tissue. Dry needling treatments involve using a “dry” needle meaning the needle is injected into the affected area without injecting any substance into the body.

Dry needling focuses on the anatomy and physiology of different tissues being treated (muscle, nerve, cartilage, etc.) and how best to stimulate healing.

This treatment provides a setting that encourages the body’s ability to heal while reducing pain and improving how your body moves. Dry needling alters the way the brain and muscles communicate with one another, allowing the area to return to a more normal movement pattern. Whether you’re new to dry needling or have had it many times, it is a powerful treatment option without drugs or surgery. Call us today to book your dry needling appointment!

Check our latest blog post about the differences and similarities between acupuncture and dry needling here!

Does Acupuncture Or Dry Needling Hurt?

Acupuncture needles are thin, painless needles that stimulate healing

Because of the name, many people believe that both acupuncture and dry needling is painful. However, the vast majority of our patients report little to no discomfort during and after in-office procedures.

Saskatoon acupuncture dry needling chinese medicine treatment axis health center

Acupuncture therapy and dry needling use very small needles , unlike typical medical needles that have fluids passing through them into the body. Our acupuncture needles are tiny and so there is little pain. Our highly-trained doctors and acupuncturist know how to make the process as comfortable as possible!

A very small percentage of patients may experience an uncomfortable response with the insertion of the needle where a shortened, hypersensitive muscle will ‘grasp’ the needle in what some describe as a cramping sensation.

This response is comparable to a short-lasting muscle cramp and should resolve soon after the treatment. In rare cases, some soreness may last up to 24-48 hours following treatment. If it does persist, you can treat yourself at home with ice or heat and drink plenty of fluids.

How Does Acupuncture Help?

Acupuncture helps with arthritis, immunity, fertility, and organ issues

Acupuncture helps regulate the body energy or “Qi” and it’s effects are more wide spread through the body. Acupuncture routinely helps with digestion problems, organ problems, fertility assistance and blood pressure assistance.

Acupuncture routinely helps people recover from common complaints including:

Acupuncture has helped patients with a range of conditions, such as back or neck pain, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease of the spine, fibromyalgia, and postoperative pain from surgery. There are many other benefits of acupuncture so please speak to your acupuncturist about them!

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