Fibromyalgia Treatment

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What Is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is stiffness throughout the whole body

Fibromyalgia is classed as a disorder of pain processing due to abnormalities in how pain signals are processed in the central nervous system and in the brain and it manifests as multiple hyper-sensitive pain locations in the body.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome affecting around 5 % of all people worldwide, especially women over 50. This chronic illness is characterized by generalized chronic musculoskeletal pain (i.e., more than three months) with highly sensitive (hyperalgesia) tender points in the body.

Despite extensive research, at this point, no definite cause or pathophysiology for FM has yet been discovered. Some medical experts believe it may be caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system – the body’s reaction to stress. As people usually develop their first fibromyalgia symptoms after experiencing a physically or emotionally traumatic event, this theory makes sense, but it has never been scientifically proven.

How Is Fibromyalgia Treated?

Fibromyalgia Can Be Managed With Chiropractic, Massage & Acupuncture

Axis Health Center saskatoon fibrolyalgia treatment chiropractic massage acupuncture

Recent research suggests that although there is no single treatment for fibromyalgia, a multi-modal approach has been shown to be effective in the short term. The most effective interventions emphasize patient education on central pain management and working to increase physical activity to improve your overall quality of life.

Most treatment strategies involve a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach consisting of medications, lifestyle modifications, and other complementary approaches, including physiotherapy and alternative treatment techniques (i.e., acupuncture, massage, etc.)

At Axis Health Center, our treatments emphasize a whole-body approach that addresses health and well-being’s physical, mental and emotional components. We provide individualized, effective treatments for both long-term managing symptoms and regaining optimum body function.

Our doctors and healthcare providers will examine your physical abilities, analyze your medical history, and discuss your current symptoms to design a treatment plan that will fit your unique needs.

We may use heat treatments or other pain-relieving modalities to relieve your pain and promote healing. Our hands-on treatments include targeted techniques like trigger point therapy, soft tissue massage, and gentle stretching that could benefit your recovery.

As you improve, we will shift our treatments to emphasize recovery and improve your functional ability—these “active” therapies, like muscle strengthening, mobility work, and low-impact cardiovascular exercises.

Our programs emphasize techniques to reduce pain, anxiety, or the catastrophization of symptoms to improve functionality and quality of life!

Fibromyalgia Treatment In Saskatoon

See Our Multidisciplinary Treatment For Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain

Pain is expected in life from time to time. Most of the time, pain is an alarm alerting your body to some type of irritation or possible injury. For example, you may be sore from exercising too much or stub your toe on furniture. In most cases, it resolves on its own, or you can take drugs or ibuprofen and go about your day.

Unfortunately for some people, their pain does not resolve, leading to chronic pain. A particular type of chronic pain accompanied by fatigue and brain fog, changes in mood, or irregular sleep patterns, may indicate a chronic illness known as fibromyalgia.

The key to managing or resolving your chronic pain is seeking the help of one of our highly skilled doctors and healthcare providers.

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